Octave Fuzz with Stank
The Octave Fuzz with Stank
The core circuit of the McGregor Pedals Octave Fuzz with Stank is designed to take a pure tone and double the hertz by inverting the positive portion of the wave, otherwise known as full rectification. This results in a fuzzy octave-up sound. With a complex signal, as you’d expect from a guitar or bass, it can get a bit wild.
A graphic representation looks like this:
As a happy accident, during development we found that if we sent too large of a signal through the "octaving" part of the circuit, the signal became positively “Stanky” (as described by a renown keyboard player). This resulted in the Stank control on your pedal.
Vol: Note that turning up the Stank will result in a volume boost, you may need to adjust as required.
Stank: Think of this as a distortion mixed with the octave-up fuzz
Blend: Blends your signal, full left is mostly dry (it never fully dries up). Full right is completely wet.
LED Brightness (unmarked trimpot on side of pedal): As someone who plays daytime outdoor shows, I wanted a super bright LED; however, this made it horrible to use in any other situation. So, I added a trimpot to that allows you to vary the LED Brightness from dark stage to bright sun. Please make the adjustment gently using a jeweler’s screwdriver.
Tip: With the Stank up and the blend at about 10 O'clock, it behaves like a distortion with octave overtones.